
Technologist nr. 8 - 2016
08 APR

Nyt Technologist ude nu

Et nyt nummer af DTU’s internationale magasin Technologist er nu på vej ud i hele Europa. Denne gang bl.a. med historien om, hvordan vi kommer til at færdes og leve i verdens...

Transport behaviour Transport economy Mobility Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development Medical equipment and systems Computer calculations Mapping and surveying Biological systems
Technologist no 8, 2016
08 APR

New issue of Technologist out now

The feature story in the new issue of DTU’s international magazine, Technologist, is about how we will be moving around in our big cities in the future.

Transport behaviour Transport economy Mobility Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development Medical equipment and systems Computer calculations Mapping and surveying Biological systems
20 MAY

Videnskab serveret på et sommerligt sølvfad

Virkelighed og videnskab forenes, når Science in the City indtager hovedstaden i juni måned. Her kan nysgerrighed på fremtidens teknologiske løsninger afprøves ved flere...

Marine research Biotechnology Energy and supply Environment and pollution Physics Construction and mechanics Transport and logistics Health technology Wind energy

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